We care about our visitors! That is why we NEVER sell any information to anybody... ever. Unlike some companies online, we will not give your personal information to other companies so they can call you or send bulk mail and e-mail to you. You can feel safe giving us your information. Below is more information:
Answer: One of our most important goals here at MuscleSports.net has been to make it a 100% secure a place to do business. In all of our 20+ years of running an business online, we have not ever had ONE security problem. No stolen credit cards, no leaked transactions, no stolen information or email address ... nothing. All of our vendors are some of very best, honest and secure companies on the planet.
Our Server Security: Our IT parters take security to the limit ends. No information be disseminated from this site without our say so. At all times they keep dedicated server(s) up to date with the latest security patches and software. We subscribe to many of the services used at the largest corporation in the world for data security. Any information we collect wich is little to NONE most time is kept on our dedicated server locked away behind two key-coded combination doors. So ALL data is secure!
This site also contains links to other sites. MuscleSports.net is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites. Use your judgement when visiting other sites and never give information unless a site is secure and safe.