Sports Specific Off Season Training

Program designed for speed, balance & power!

Sports Specific Off Season Training
Author Writter Image By:

“Too many kids try lifting as much as they possibly can, looking to impress the people around them.That usually leads to injury and lost time!”

This program is designed for the offseason player, be tit football, baseball, basketball, hockey, or what ever. This program is flexible and provide complete body balance to help you in your specific sport. Ladies you don't be afraid of this program, as it was originally designed for a young woman that was training for college basketball. She thrived on the program and everyone here proud of her accomplishment during her freshman year at the division one level.

The reps can be adjusted higher for toning and lower for maximum output, it depends on which your looking for. The exercise can also be interchanged with like exercises that work the same muscle group. Give it a try and start push past old sticking points toward new and higher goals.

Six Day Training Cycle For Super Size, Speed, Strength and Balance

MONDAY & THURSDAY: Power Training.

TUESDAY & FRIDAY: Legs and Biceps

WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY: Shoulders and Triceps.

ABDOMINAL WORK: Usually do one or two exercises for midsection six days of the week for several minutes.

Conclusion - Follow the routine consistently during your off season and don't take it easy. Add weight to your exercises when the reps become to easy, but always do so in the company of good exercise form. Keeping your exercise form clean prevent injuries and will transfer the gains you make to your sport!

Tags: strength life conditioning core

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